How to bring in sales with better packaging 

You can’t judge a book by its cover, but you might be able to judge a company by its packaging, right? In the fast-paced, constantly-evolving cannabis industry, packaging is the crucial frontline that introduces your brand to a customer. Here are a few ways you can use your packaging to bring in more sales and strengthen your brand’s identity.

Package Your Product the Right Way 

When people spend their hard-earned money on a product, they expect the container it comes in to protect the longevity of its shelf life. For cannabis, that’s especially true. Ideally, cannabis should be packaged in something that is fully sealed (to keep out moisture) and blocks out UV exposure, either via labeling or dark glass. Similarly, some consumers want to see their flower prior to purchasing, so the consideration of glass-bottom containers can be a strategic move for brands looking to showcase their plants without sacrificing any of the quality.

But remember: the average customer’s list of needs may extend beyond the utilitarian design of the packaging. Consider the discretion, size, and portability. Does it block out smell? Can it withhold being carried in a purse or backpack? Brand decisions in these areas can make or break a sale for the discerning client.

Rethink Plastic 

Plastic jars, plastic vape cartridges, plastic lids, plastic labels; cannabis is drowning in a sea of plastic. And as such, there’s been pushback. While many cultivators and cannabis users are intentionally pushing the industry to be more sustainable or even regenerative, the packaging simply isn’t catching up fast enough. Here in the U.S.,we already make the most trash in the world. As plastics contribute to the majority of global pollution and impose serious health effects on living ecosystems, more consumers are becoming aware of the footprint of their purchases and brands should take note. 

For consumers who want their purchases to align with their values, zero-to-minimal single-use plastics can be the final selling point that secures a purchase of your product. Similarly, brands will find it’s easier than ever to convert their operations from single use jars or plastic to recycled/recyclable materials, glass, or labels made of straw- and hemp-based paper. Not only will the transition be a competitive edge for your brand, but the planet will thank you, too. 

Innovate Your Brand 

People have been putting weed in little glass jars for the better part of a century (probably). While there’s no need to reinvent the wheel per se, cultivators and cannabis professionals should ask themselves: how can we use our packaging to take our customer’s experience to the next level? One solution is to transcend into the digital space.

Inspired by QR code usage in restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic, Denver-based cannabis brand, Veritas, began employing on-pack codes on packaging in 2020. By scanning the link, a person can easily learn about a strain’s profile, genetic lineage, terpenes, or other information about the product in easy-to-digest information right on their smartphone. 

The pandemic, similarly, has caused some consumer patterns to shift. It’s important to note that the COVID-19 virus continues to spread, and as such, not all cannabis enthusiasts may be comfortable going back to chatting with budtenders in store. Robust labeling with a digital tie-in can help both educate a consumer and create an emotional connection between them and the brand. 

Tell Your Story

In a flooded market, it’s important to stand out. If you head to any craft beer aisle or check out a place specializing in gourmet hot sauces, you’ll find that the most alluring ones tell a story on their labels–either visually or textually, or both. Think of how many times you’ve picked up a new item because of interesting art, a heartwarming story about grandma’s recipe, or because it’s owned by a community or benefits a cause you care about. 

In the digital space, QR or other coding also provides cannabis brands a unique opportunity to invite their customer into their story. Does your brand have a long history of advocacy? Perhaps it’s a legacy farmer’s crop. Showcasing your unique identity is a way to distinguish yourself from competitors and highlight your brand values.

Whatever your target demographic, make sure you’re employing labeling that speaks to their wants and interests. 

Packaging is more than just what you put your product in. It’s the likely first impression a future customer will have of your brand, and can inform whether a customer will make another purchase. Taking care to check off these items will show that you’re going the extra mile for people and the planet, and you’ll see the return in your sales.


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