8 Simple Tips for Living a More Sustainable Lifestyle

If you are interested in living a more sustainable lifestyle, there are countless things you can do to reduce your impact on the planet. So many that it can feel a little overwhelming. The good news is that a more sustainable lifestyle isn’t only accessible, but it also can be simple! Below we’ve covered a few super easy tips to help you cultivate a more eco-conscious lifestyle. Adopting even a couple of these small changes can help set you on a path to living in a way that is healthier for you and the planet!

1. Start Small, But Start Now

One of the best things to remember when transitioning to a more planet-friendly lifestyle is that little things add up fast. So don’t feel like you need to adjust everything at once. Start with small shifts like switching to energy-efficient light bulbs, filtering water at home instead of buying bottled water, using reusable grocery bags, and being mindful of how you dispose of goods – from clothes to mattresses to packaging and everything beyond.

2. Shift Your Mindset

So much of building sustainable habits is tied to your mindset. When you start noticing better ways to do things you have never questioned before, it creates a domino effect of good habits. Most of us have been raised on quick convenience, and we don’t stop and think about routine actions like grabbing pre-cooked and plastic-wrapped meals for dinner. But when you question your daily habits, including how you buy and dispose of everything from furniture to clothing, you start to adopt a mindset of improvement. Could you walk or cycle to work instead of drive? Maybe buy less plastic? Shop at a bulk grocery store? Ask yourself these questions, and then dedicate yourself to learning how to change your habits for the issues that matter to you the most. As you shift your mindset away from “consume first,” it becomes easier to develop habits that are better for you and the planet.  

3. Go For Refurbished Products

Need a new cell phone, washing machine, or another electronic device? Go refurbished! Never heard of refurbished? These are second-hand electrical devices like laptops, smartphones, and refrigerators that have been repaired, “polished,” or just returned by a customer because the packaging was torn. These devices are often as good as new but a lot more affordable. Plus, reducing the production of electronics is excellent for the environment!

4. Don’t Throw it Away, Fix It

Culture can change fast. Not very long ago, we had a large repair service industry and a mindset of “make do and mend.” But in today’s throw-away culture, disposability puts enormous strain on the planet – and our wallets! We can change that. The next time something in your house is acting up, why not see if it can be repaired rather than chucked? Not only will you be surprised at how simple it can be, but you’ll also be amazed at how satisfying it feels. Just run a quick internet search and find a how-to-fix-it video for almost anything reparable. You will be surprised just how many things can be fixed rather than thrown away.  

5. Buy Local

There are a lot of reasons to shop locally. Small-scale, locally owned businesses help create more prosperous and connected communities that are better off across a broad range of metrics. But the positive environmental impact of shopping locally can be a powerful step in developing a more sustainable lifestyle. Consider how far a product must be shipped before you buy it.  Local purchases require less transportation than big box stores and ordering online. When you buy local, you’re not only supporting the local economy, but you are also casting a vote against a world full of shipping emissions that contribute to climate change.

6. Always Be Prepared

When it comes to sustainable living, the saying “fail to prepare, prepare to fail” couldn’t be more accurate. So, try to get in the habit of staying prepared. If you always forget to bring along a reusable coffee cup, try stashing one in your tote bag or purse after you wash it instead of back into the cupboard. Get in the habit of never leaving the house without a refillable water bottle, so you’ll never end up needing to buy one. Making new habits simple helps make them stick. And if you set yourself up for success from the beginning, you will find your new habits become second nature in no time.

7. Buy From Truly Sustainable Companies

While many brands claim to be “green,” the claim doesn’t mean much if the brand doesn’t explain why. In fact, some companies even go as far to make misleading claims that suggest that they care about the environment as a marketing tool. This practice is known as “greenwashing,” and can include things like untrue statements, a lack of proof of sustainability, vague statements about sustainability, and claiming unqualified environmental benefits about their products. Avoid companies who try to trick environmentally conscious consumers by choosing products from brands that explain how their products are sustainable, rather than brands that use “green” or “natural” only as a marketing tool. Look for specific sustainable practices like reducing hazardous chemicals and water usage, or brands that use sustainable fibers or recycled materials. To learn more about how to avoid greenwashing, check out this article by ethicalconsumer.org.

8. Look For eco-friendly Packaging

Almost everything you purchase comes with packaging. You might not realize just how much you consume. From food containers to detergent boxes to the delivery boxes you receive in the mail – it’s all packaging! According to the EPA, over 80 million tons of packaging waste is sent to U.S. landfills each year. So, choosing sustainable packing is one of the most powerful things you can do to offset waste in landfills. Choose products from brands that use recycled or sustainable packaging or brands that take a minimalist approach. While the packaging is necessary for protecting the things we buy, you can make a big difference by being mindful of packaging when you make purchases.


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